Sometimes something on a layout really grabs your attention... it might not be that you want to scraplift it in its entirety, but maybe "borrow" an idea or a way in which a product has been used.
This was exactly the case on the fabulous layout below by
Kirsty Smith, one of the new DT members for
ScrapaGoGo. Using the January kit, I loved that quirky way that she had used loads of the Maya Road Bingo markers in a row and so decided to incorporate this into one of my own layouts.

My Mum recently lent me some original photos of her and my Dad. He sadly died when I was four, so I remember very little about him. (Don't feel too sorry for me though as I gained a fantastic step-dad called Derek when I was 11, who has helped to bring me up, seen me through university, relationship up's and down's, given me away when I got married and always been there x)

Anyway, I digress. The photo is before I was on the scene and my parents were in Olympia, having done a coach trip to Greece. My Mum still has the original advert for the holiday, along with some fabric that she made her trouser suit from - I fully intend to scrap another photo of them along with a piece of the material, however it isn't easy to co-ordinate any papers with, being a mixture of burgundy and purple!
Perhaps I'll photograph it and ask for suggestions!
I used a cluster of embellishments including a wooden toggle, which were very 70's!
You can also see from the cameo below what style guru's they were... notice the scholls and socks... you didn't get much cooler than that!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend xxx